analysis of interaction and confrontation with the other in the novel "Seas and Corpses" by Bakhtiar Ali based on Bakhtin's theory of dialogic logic

Document Type : Original Article


1 associate professor of sociology at farhangin university,Tehran,Iran.

2 Master of Psychology and Secretary of Education of District 1 of Sanandaj


The novel Daryas and Corpses, one of the outstanding works of the prolific writer Bakhtiar Ali, is a social-philosophical novel which is ranked among modern novels. The main objective of this study is to describe and analyze the components of Bakhtin's theory of polyphony in the discourse of the characters in the novel, examining the linguistic and content-related elements present in the discourse, and uncovering the meaning it reveals. In this study, with the assumption that an alternative reading of the novel Daryas and the Corpses can be presented in the contemporary era, we have employed a descriptive-analytical method to examine and analyze the novel using Bakhtin's theory of dialogic logic. In this novel, the transition from the style of magical realism to a form of social realism, the diversity of voices, characters, worldviews, and the discourses of different social classes in relation to one of the most significant concepts of modern Kurdish life, namely the "phenomenon of revolution," is clearly discernible. "Polyphony" is one of the fundamental concepts in the critical ideas of Mikhail Bakhtin, the Russian writer and critic, which forms the basis for the analysis of the present novel. In the novel, we encounter a multiplicity of voices, each holding its own position. The voices move both in unison and individually, and it is not necessarily only one narrator who speaks. We are faced with a "polyphonic" work in which Bakhtiar Ali, through the artistic use of multiple distinct narrators (in terms of education, politics, society, etc.), has created a multidimensional novel.


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