Guide for Authors

Authors’ Guidelines

Section 2: Proposed Writing Guidelines and Article Acceptance Conditions

  1. The article should consist of an abstract (including a brief and concise overview of the research, stating the research objective and scope, highlighting the overall significance of the research, providing a concise review of the research structure and methodology, mentioning the general innovations and achievements of the article, within maximum 300 words), keywords (maximum of 6 keywords), introduction and statement of the problem (including an introductory section and problem definition, the necessity and objectives of the research), literature review, theoretical framework, main discussion, and conclusion.
  2. The article should not exceed twenty A4 pages (maximum of 24 lines per page) or 7500 words.
  3. The name(s) of the author(s), their affiliation(s) or university, and their academic rank should be written on a separate page.
  4. Tables, charts, and figures should be presented clearly and coherently, adhering to aesthetic principles, and their titles should be mentioned above the respective tables.
  5. Articles must be typed in font "B Lotus" with font size 13 and submitted electronically to the designated article database, in accordance with the criteria outlined in this guide. Received articles will not be returned.
  6. The used sources should be cited in-text using the author-date format (Last name, Year: Page). For instance, (Safa, 1376: 25).
  7. The used sources should be listed at the end of the article, separated into sections for Persian, Latin, Arabic, etc., and arranged alphabetically by the authors' last name followed by their first name(s):

Book: Last Name, First Name (Publication Date). Book Title (Italicized and Bold, Font Size 13); Editor or Translator Name, Volume, Edition, Place of Publication: Publisher.

Article: Last Name, First Name (Publication Date). "Article Title" in quotation marks; Journal Title (Italicized and Bold, Font Size 13), Year (Volume), Issue Number, Page Numbers.

  1. It is mandatory to provide an English abstract for the article.
  2. The publication rights are reserved for the journal "Literary Discourse Analysis," and authors should not publish their articles elsewhere after acceptance.

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