Broadly speaking, one can look at literature from two different perspectives: theoretical or practical. The former deals with the ontological or epistemological aspects of literature such as philosophical approaches to literature, while the latter deals with the practical approaches to the literary text. In this respect, one can look at the relationship between literature and the society. Most of the journals, nationally published, utilize the first approach. One of the ways to look at literature is the discoursal approach. Such an approach is observed sporadically in some of the journal, but none of them deals consistently with this area of research. Literary Discourse analysis was founded to fill this gap. LDA intends to deal with research focused on power relations, ideology, legitimization, delegitimization and any way of dealing with the other as a kind of interaction.
Research, even if descriptive, is based on analysis. The word Discourse in the title of LDA indicate that literature is a social and cultural construct which acts as a media and is reciprocally affected, or even produced by the clash of opposite forces acting in the society.