Analysis of the critical discourse of "Lazarus poem 1962" by Khalil Hawi based on Theon Van Dyke’s theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Arabic language and literature Faculty of Literature and Humanities Kharazmi University of Tehran Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



Critical discourse analysis emphasizes the role of power and ideology as effective metatextual conditions on discourse analysis. Van Dijk raises the theoretical and historical discussions of the discourse from the angle of social sciences. Critical discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary branch of linguistics that examines the function of language in society and politics as a theoretical approach in the study of contemporary Arabic literature. Khalil's poems depict contemporary human anxieties based on their content. The conflict between isolationism and collectivism, despair and hope, doubt and faith, distaste for the current time and place, the gospel of resurrection, as well as the confrontation of progress and technology in cities with authentic rural feelings, are among the characteristics of his poetry. And he gave new interpretations and presented deep themes in a suitable way. Sometimes, Tammuz wears different mythical clothes, which he chose and described from the language of myths, determined to transform and change the chaotic situation of his life and country. Lazar is one of the myths of the poem. In this research, we want to examine the dark world, death, and resurrection day that he has carried with him from the past in the framework of Van Dyck's theory by using the poet's ideas and thinking style.


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